If anyone is into indie fantasy, here’s a fun challenge for you, but you’ll have to join an awesome Facebook group called Indie Fantasy Addicts. You can find the group here:
From the Indie Fantasy Addicts Group Admin, Angel Haze:
It’s today! It’s today!
November 19 – January 1
Only six weeks for this challenge, but I already know you guys are just going to rock it! Last time this AMAZING group read almost 800 indie fantasy books in 9 weeks, let’s see how many adventures we can revel in this time! There are some amazing prizes for both readers and authors from signed books, ebooks, audiobooks, bookmarks, bookplates, author spotlights, interviews and reviews!!!
Super simple: Read and review any indie fantasy (no matter what author or fantasy sub-genre). Review can be Goodreads, Amazon, Bookbub…whatever. Just link to it and share a short snippit (or copy and paste the whole review) so all of us can share in your adventure and uncover some spectacular gems!
Thank you in advance for helping spread the word about these amazing authors and their killer adventures!! The effort may seem small, but you are truly making a difference helping spread the word and making their dreams a reality!!
A special thanks to all the authors who graciously donated prizes (and those we were unable to feature because of the flood of offers). You guys are all rockstars!
Bonus # 2: Share the challenge on your blog, newsletter, or FB page and get extra bonuses.(Just make sure you let us know about the share to get the credit and a THOUSAND thank yous!!!!!)
AUTHORS: There are three prizes specifically tailored to you that you may also choose.
#1: Featured Author Post
#2: Author Interview
#3: Author Spotlight: Review and Interview
I’m soooo excited about this!!!!!!!!! I already have three killer books to share with you in the next coming days! Can’t wait to see your adventures!!
Let this group BLEED AWESOMENESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Here’s a peek at the prizes up for grabs:
Sorry I’m late posting, but it runs until January, so you all should have a fair amount of time to read some awesome indie fantasy. Hope to see you all there! Have fun everyone!