My Review of Kalifus Rising by Alane Adams
Title: Kalifus Rising (Legends of Orkney)
Author: Alane Adams
Publisher: SparkPress
Genre: Middle Grade Fantasy
Release date: Sept. 6, 2016
Pages: 347
Format: ARC
Source: NetGalley
I received an Arc from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. This in no way influenced my review. All opinions are my own. Kalifus Rising is the second installment of Legends of Orkney. I'd like to start out by stating that I have not read the first book, The Red Sun, but I feel as if Kalifus Rising can be read and have a pretty good idea of some of what happened in the first book, as this book touches on some of the events. Kalifus Rising follows the story of Sam Baron's three best friends, Keely, Leo, and Howie, as they take on different quests to find what they need to help Sam and stop a war. This story is fast paced, high adventure, and full of action. I was impressed with Alane's world building skills as the world of Orkney was opened up to me. I constantly found myself on the edge of my seat, hanging on for dear life amidst the action. The character development is incredible, as I wanted to wring some necks, hug others, and just plain scream at some of the characters. My only concern with this book is that it could have been better edited. There were several grammatical errors that gave me pause. Overall, I give Kalifus Rising four stars for the world building, character development, and the action.